Training Courses

If your computer has sufficient capacity to work with softwares such as Excel or Word for Windows, the specific training software is not necessary. Its implementation is very simple and intuitive. Technical support is available to you during the installation phase. Online demonstrations and software screenshots provide contextual and technical aids to guide and help you. Whilst being adaptable to any individual production methods, the integrated automatic adjustments always provide technically correct recipes which are fully compliant with the current legislation, whatever the technical competence of the user.

This is what makes the Crémix concept such a valuable tool.


However, it is preferable to follow a course to find out about new ingredients, their uses in the mix, and how to master the combination of raw materials, in order to achieve greater efficiency in the formula balance.

Every first Monday of the month
( Duration 5 hours )

Introduction to Crémix Professional Software: Programme installation, implementation and the software’s advanced functions to complete your production by creating new frozen dessert recipes, including ice cream, fruit or chocolate sorbet, spices, herbs, aromatic pastes, and alcohols, which are fully compliant in all respects with the legislation ( legal name, labelling and compliance with hygiene regulations ).

  • Bring your laptop with you ( Windows XP sp3 minimum ) ( Includes the Crémix Basic or Complete Professional Version software according to options chosen).

Study and Evaluation of Work Completed
( Minimum three days in-situ )

Test and re-balance your recipes if required, organize and streamline your production in order to expand your product lines to offer a wider selection of flavours, ice creams and soft ice creams, various low fat sorbets, revisited frozen desserts to satisfy your customers’ requirements, together with cost price studies.

Assuring that the final product is fully compliant with the legislation ( legal name, labelling, and hygiene regulations ).

  • Includes the Crémix Basic or Complete Professional Version software according to options chosen.

Advanced Ice Cream Technology Refresher Training
( Chambers of Trade and Industry, Technical Colleges, Private Schools, Training Centres )

Ice cream legislation.

Choice of products ( sugars, polyols, butter or vegetable fat, stabilizer and emulsifier, vegetable or dairy protein, aromatic paste, chocolate, spices, salty or savoury foods ), their roles and uses in the mix.

Create new frozen product recipes, including ice cream, fruit or chocolate sorbet, spices, herbs and aromatic pastes, fully compliant in all respects with the legislation.

Courses led by Thierry Jouval
Crémix Software Package Designer-Developer

All our courses fall within the category of vocational and professional training schemes, funded, in whole or in part, by governmental professional training schemes.